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February 10, 2003 - 12:35 pm

I think I'm getting sick.

Figures this should happen. I'm behind on my classwork (or at least struggling to stay on top of it). I have these obligations and such that I can't (and don't want to) back out of. I need to make phone calls and catch up at work and do all this shit, and I'm fucking getting sick?!?! Damnit!

I blame it on my sister. I was feeling fine Saturday when I arrived at her house. In fact, I felt fine until I woke up the next morning. My nephew, whose bed I had slept in, had crawled in with me and cuddled up tight. This little cherub had spent all night breathing his little cherub germs all over me, because children under the age of 12 are worse than the fucking Outbreak monkey on germs. I woke up with a sore throat and general congestion, but wasn't sure if it was a result of the Hades-like temperature on the top floor of my sister's house, or impending illness. I plowed on with my day and what would happen but this morning I wake up feeling WORSE. Yup. Now I'm weak and tired (in spite of a healthy dose of rest last night) and can't concentrate on anything more than breathing and making my classes on time.


On the other hand, I got to watch the Simpsons for the first time in forever last night. It was good times. I miss spare time.

I'm gonna go get lunch. Maybe a bowl of soup will cheer my innards.



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