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February 08, 2003 - 10:27 am

Ah, weekends, when I can sit back and...

Fuck, nevermind. I gotta go to work soon.

Well, Friday night was worth it. Not too many SSDANers made their way to Ashley's with us, but those who did offered good times, so that was nice. The Othermegan owed me a drink, which I happily accepted in the form of an Appletini. She also introduced me to this raspberry-flavored "specialty beer" which departed enough from traditional beer pee-taste that I was inclined to have one. These drinks combined to form my two-drink maximum and that was it for me, but damned was it fun. Their jukebox = whoopin' shit. The Othermegan and I threw in our money to get some good music out of it, and after all the booty-shakin' was over, it was time to leave.

Oh, note: Melanie spilled her beer ALL OVER directly following some trash-talkin'. She done pulled a MEGAN!

Afterwards I headed to Slutter's new pad for a movienight. He had somehow gotten a hold of The Two Towers (from his "Uncle Pete", he says). It was good times. Jokes were superimposed in true MST3K style, and I had myself a good time.

When I got home, I stayed up waiting for Peden, who I thought was coming over after work to crash (long story, but he requested a couch to use for a few nights, and Stacey and I, being the splendid samaritans and damned good friends that we are, offered one up). Jim called from some party in Lansing, saying he wanted to leave but needed somewhere to go. I reminded him that it was 1am and that by then, "somewhere to go" could easily be home. He suggested Denny's, I said go for it, but I had to work the next day. He told me I was no fun, and in retrospect I should have reminded him that he has spent the last two Fridays NOT having fun because he did things Jim should know Jim won't enjoy, and wishing he'd hung with me instead. Yeah, fat head!....but I was tired and I just said something to the point of "Eat me."

So, now it's Saturday and I have to work in....soon. I also need an oil change like nobody's business...I should get one on my way today. I also need gas. Damnit! I'm headed to my sister's afterwards, so all of these things must be taken care of NOW!

And I'm off!...



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