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June 11, 2005 - 4:17 pm

Look at that timestamp. Yes, I DID just get out of the shower. I R loser.

What I don't understand is how I can stay up until almost 7am one night and wake up easily at noon, but go to bed three hours earlier the next night and somehow sleep away half of the afternoon. This calls for more strident alarm clock utilization, STAT.

Speaking of staying up half the night, last night was one more evening when I'd planned on staying long enough to maybe walk Lauren out (if not too late), and yet I ended up being there way past close. Kim came by in need of Megan support, which explains some of it, but then I stuck around doing what I seem to do best lately: working off a good drunkering by wasting time with Paul. It leads me to wonder if you can really call someone your friend if you can't remember recently interacting with them without a few drinks in you. At that point, I think they just become "enablers."

Anyhow, speaking of drunk...the other night Nat had people over to go do some drinkering by the railroad tracks. Lack of motivation led us to stay at his pad and do what all drunk people should, climb a ladder onto his roof and hang out there. It was like being back in Fowlerville, really. Attempts to sober up and eventually find our way home led to (enabler)Paul and I trampsing around the Fountain St. area for an hour or so, a false alarm for lost keys, some mild injuries and a brief excursion on the playground. I figure, if I am going to spend my summer nights in shenanigans, I should make it a point of having these shenanigans outside of the walls of da club, even if other employees are the only people with me. Swimming with Kim in the wee hours, exploring Spring Street and relocating kids' bikes with Paul, drinking PBR on Nat's roof...all good times. I just think that if I'm going to stay up until 6am, it should not so often involve a barstool and indie rock on the soundsystem.

Maybe I'm just a little redassed about wasting half my day in bed. I gotta get my shit together.*

*For those of your playing the Megan's journal drinking game, this is where you take a shot. If you're reading more than six months of entries, you're probably drunk by now. Good job.



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