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June 08, 2005 - 2:34 am

Now that I'm about ready to go to bed, I realize that today was, in fact, a good day. Sure, I had to work, and work was a touch on the hellish side due to a private party (specifically, a party patron who made horrid, dirty jokes every time I came around, and loudly noted my obviously unimpressed reaction), immense heat (90 degrees today, ridiculous humidity) and lack of air conditioning in Da Club, but it all turned out alright. I made some good money due to the private party fee my boss dishes out and a bonus she threw in for shits and giggles, and I was done really early by Firefly standards. Yay me.

What's really awesome is that today I did two things that I've been saying I would start doing...but haven't in fact gotten around to-until now.

First off, I finally started writing again. Slow and steady wins the race, and I didn't write much, but it's a start and I'm real geeked about it. Not a real purpose to the pen pushing, but at least I am on the road to actually composing my thoughts and, more importantly, jotting down all of the good shit that does make its way through my head.

Second, I went nightswimming. Kim and I went out yesterday to buy suits and towels to keep in our cars, so that we might be free at any time to find a pool and go swimming, specifically after a long hard day at work, on a night when it was still hot enough that swimming sounded like a good idea. However, I wasn't so hawt on the idea of going alone, and I couldn't find company last night. Tonight, Kim came up to the club and suggested it as soon as I finished work. I learned that the fence at my target pool was about two feet higher than I remember it being, and topped with spikiness, which made it harder to hop, but nonetheless things went smoothly, and it was an awesome time.

Now I'm home and my hair is dry and I smell like chlorine and my whole heart feels lighter. I will sleep well tonight.



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