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February 27, 2003 - 9:39 am

Okay, so I was wrong. Yesterday didn't suck. In fact, it was an okay day. I got quite a bit done, and nothing horrendous happened.

I did, however, spend money I shouldn't have on cheap CDs. My daily budget, in fact. Nonetheless, listening to them this morning has reminded me how much good swing music makes me wanna dance.

Last night Brian called me from the auto shop to invite me in to view my car. It seems it's split open like a fish right now, and they figure that if I'm spending that kinda dough on reviving it, I should get a show for my buck. Thank you, Brian. I went in this morning, and I must say, the offer itself was more interesting than the venture. Old Blue's in sorry shape, that's for sure, but we'll get you fixed up, girl, we'll get you fixed up. Hopefully, we'll do this before your illin' fucks up my weekend.

So today has great potential. I'm in a less-than-stellar mood right now, but I think the correct steps could make me feel downright good. So here are a few things from Megan's list of how to enrich a mediocre mood.

  • Music of the funk, soul, or jazz persuasion

  • An exceptional cup of coffee, perhaps a fancy one that costs $4 and comes with whipped cream and the works from your local coffee den

  • If the weather is nice, take a damned walk

  • Buy a book

  • Dance like the sexy bitch you are

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