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February 28, 2003 - 3:50 pm

Wow, Megan = annoyed.

I was really hoping to get my car back today. However, I can�t call them up to see when it�ll be ready because they haven�t been in that location long enough to be in the phone book, and they�re too far to walk to. Of course, I can�t drive there because I DON�T HAVE MY CAR! Of course, I should be able to call them, since they called me twice to talk about my car; however, I�m a flaming moron and, for absolutely no reason, erased all of my �received calls� from my cell phone last night.

Hey, I never said I was smart.

Anyhow, more on my �I�d really like to ram my head into a brick wall� mood�

Realized the other day that no, my renewal fafsa was NOT coming in the mail. Finally booked it to the financial aid office and picked everything up to start applying for aid, or, as I like to say it �fellate the government for mad cheddah, yo.� I need to remind Uncle Sam that I am, in fact, independent and that he should hold me as such in his eyes made of dollar signs. This means some letter writing and more effort on my part than I really want to put forth right now.

Also, I finally opened the envelope that contained my mother and grandmother�s birth certificates so I could put together my little paper trail lineage to prove that I was eligible for this cool $4K scholarship I�m so very fond of. I look inside to discover something odd: My grandmother changed her name many, many years ago. Lorraine Georgette Corbin, or �grandma� as I like to call her, was born Georgette Olga Corbin. Hell, I love her just the same, but the problem is that I have paperwork that says my grandfather did two things: (1)fought in WWI and (2) fathered one Georgette Olga Corbin. I also have more paperwork that says a Lorraine Munrath nee Corbin gave birth to my mother, who damned herself with me. Now I�m sure the scholarship committee would love to just take my word for it that Lorraine Georgette and Georgette Olga are the same person, and that�s a great thing, because a call to my grandmother told me that that�s what they�ll have to do, since she has absolutely no paperwork that documents her name change. Of course, the woman I should be talking to about this is on vacation. So it goes.

So I�m stuck at work, even though I should be leaving in fifteen minutes for Friday goodness with Darcie, whom I haven�t seen in two months. Not only do I NOT want to stick around here after four, but the longer I wait, the more I worry that my car will NOT be finished today, and my plans will be cancelled tonight, possibly tomorrow.

That�s enough from me. I�m a cranky bitch today.

Hey, wait, two reasons to be a happy Megan (I almost forgot): First, I ran into John G. (Teddy, Gonzo, etc.) at lunch, which always lightens my day. Also, the sun is shining and snow is melting everywhere I look. Woohoo! I�m gonna go focus on these things until I can�t help but smile.



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