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March 03, 2003 - 9:22 am

So I've noticed this running trend of Megan not updating on the weekends. Damn shame, that Megan. I think of such witty things, too, sometimes while sitting at my computer. I'm just lazy.

So it goes.

Friday was filled with chicken stir-fry (thanks Darcie!), DOA and fun. Makes me wish I didn't work on Saturdays.

Saturday, on the other hand...Well, we were celebrating Adria's 21st birthday, which was all well and good. Can't say I didn't enjoy the company. However, she wanted to go somewhere with a dance floor and boozin', but without a real drive. This meant her one and only choice was Time Out bar n' grill in Howell, otherwise known as Hell with a DJ. I wanted to start a betting pool on how many Fowlervillians we would run into. I would have guessed six, but we only saw two. Still, bonus for running into Richard. Anyhow, I made myself scarce once 11:30 hit. I had a lot of shit to do on Sunday, and I had no intention on sleeping through half of it because I god drunk and danced to Baby Got Back all night.

Things of note:

My car wouldn't start this morning. This earned it a swift kick and a call to my mechanic. He's gonna come out and give it a try, which means it will start right up.

It's also the coldest day EVER, and I forgot my scarf.

I REALLY wanna take a nap.

Anyone looking for a real good inspiration to stab yourself in the face? Read All Quiet On the Western Front. I did, and look at me!

So between my car business and starting classes again, I fear this may not be a spectacular day. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Later that day: I fucking hate my car. Hate it hate it hate it. More than Martel THINKS I hate her when she drinks whiskey. Damned thing's been with me for a long time, but I'm so fucking sick of it in these last few weeks. She's always been one to have little problems, but never ones so bad I couldn't drive her at least the distance to the shop for a repair. Yay Blue, right? Well, it seems that this morning was just an especially cranky day, because the problem itself is the same damned thing that's been annoying my cold mornings since December. We'll see what Brian can do. Goddamnit BLUE!

Various Updates: Got my first exam back. Didn't bone it as bad as I'd anticipated. Three more to go, WOO!

Sean, if you don't leave a number, I can't call you back. Dick.

Sean Connery Day in T-7 days!



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