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March 05, 2003 - 5:16 pm

If there are two things yesterday was, it is these two things: It was a day for Megan to get her homework done. Yay me. It was also a day for caffeinated, hot beverages. God help my bladder.

Martel so graciously took my Coriolanus ticket, giving me the skinny of samarai with guns and typewriters. They'll NEVER KNOW!

Anti-war protests led my LIBtastic professor to cancel my only morning class, so we slept in and had spicy chinese lunch. Yay us! Summer will rock wicked-much.

Class went by with all uneventfulness. (Update on midterm situation. Common concensus: B I got b's, give or take a plus here and there, on everything. Yay me. Maybe my hair didn't deserve my vengeance. Oh well) After it was all over, I walked straight to the mechanic shop to pick up my car, as I had said I'd get it around 6 on Wednesday. So...twenty minutes and a numb Megan later: They're closed! It's six FUCKING 03 and it's dark inside. I can see my car in back, but I fight the urge to just take it (as I still have my key) and just leave an "I'll be back to pay in the morning" note on their door. Frustrated almost to the point of tears, knowing that it's a long walk back, uphill, of course, and that I have no ride home unless I trouble Mike to take me home when he leaves work Godknowswhen. So I grit my teeth and walk to the bus station. I walk into the lot just in time to watch my bus pull out. What's that, thirty minutes until the next one? I fucking give up.

Oh well, good, cold reading time for me. And hell, I was in need of a good walk, yesterday being Fat Tuesday and all that, right? My heart says no, but my pants say yes.



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