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March 06, 2003 - 11:45 am

I mean, is it possible? Am I NOT the idiot I thought I was?

That question is one to which I really do not desire an honest answer. The fact of the matter is, I feel smarter now than I did two weeks ago, and that's a beautiful thing.

So I've gotten all of my exams back, laden with B's and B+'s. Good for me. And today, almost a first, I had a lot of good things to offer in my history discussion. Maybe Marwil doesn't hate me after all. I SHOULD mention, also, that I was able to maintain consciousness for the entirety of his 9am lecture. Yay me. I credit Wicker, whose absence and request for notes made this necessary. Woot.

Also, I just got a fuckuva lotta shit done in small amounts of time here at work. Once again, yay me.

Today I SHOULD get my car back. At least, I'm hoping. I think I'm gonna go pick it up around 5 or so, and if they don't have it ready, I'm gonna burn the bastards down, starting with that sweet talkin' mechanic that told me he's usually there "until 6:30 or so", the lying, no-good sonofabitch. Anyhow, absence makes the heart grow fonder, hence my need to have my car back.

Yesterday I was walking through the diag and saw a squirrel standing in the middle of the sidewalk, doing his squirrel thing. those of you not familiar with UofM campus might be incline to assume that this sidewalk was empty, because most squirrels are a bit skittish when humanoids get too close. Not here, however. Campus squirrels are a special breed. They're not necessarily agressive, like some other squirrels I've heard of. They're just unafraid. I've spent many a nice spring day in staring contests with the fuckers, or walking slowly to see how close I could get before they ran away. Most of them have a personal bubble space of approximately 18 inches. What was odd about this squirrel is that this was a very busy sidewalk, and though most people were steering clear of it (as it was literally in the very middle of the sidewalk), I walked almost into it, with perhaps four inches between my foot and it. It didn't so much as look up from it's acorn. Bastard.

In a little over an hour I will go to my last class of the week. That in itself is enough to make Thursdays worth it.



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