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March 07, 2003 - 2:39 pm

This morning, I had a fear.

You see, kids...Megan...well, Megan would lose her own ass if it wasn't so firmly intent on sticking to her hindside. (And believe you me, it is, in fact, a stubborn mass)

Anyhow, I had to go to the UGLI this morning to photocopy some texts for a class of mine. This is fine, it�s better than them being added to the list of books I have to buy every four months (which is, believe me, hefty). So I drop my shit off at work, grab my folder and off I go. I alter my route to include an ATM (offline, of course, so this was a waste of time) and once run back when I realize I�d forgotten my copy card.

It�s cold out, kids. Cold. So when I get to the library, I wanna stay there. This is fine. I give the woman my little piece of paper with the necessary info, and she asks for my student ID (which I�d like to note, I ALMOST grabbed when I went for my copy card, so I could use it to get my paycheck. Then, realizing I could use my driver�s license, I put it back). I say, �Hey, what�s an ID between old friend, eh? I�ve got my student number, let�s call it even.� This woman is NAY amused, and tells me the best she can do is give me these thousands of pages and let me look at them behind her counter for an hour. I grumble, light a bystander on fire with the sheer force of my anger, and calmly walk away.

But here�s where we see Megan�s resourcefulness. I go online and find that not one, but both of these texts are available at the spooky grad library (which is not only next door, but connected on one floor, so I don�t have to go back outside into the pain that IS winter. I make the trek, then realize I don�t have my folder anymore. I backtrack all the way to the birth of Jesus, and somehow I haven�t found it yet. Five minutes and a lot of stress later, I check the machine where I pumped my copy card full of money, and there it is.

Yeah, so I�ve got a bad feeling thus far that I�m just NOT thinking of everything. This worries me. An hour later I�ve found the necessary books, copied them, and am on my way back to work with some tea in hand. Yay me.

I always get a little anxious on days like this, as past experience has taught me that if there�s one thing Megan does well, it�s lose valuable things or let up her guard just long enough for horrible things to happen.

On a lighter note: I was walking past the diag today and I saw two girls standing on the sidewalk while about 4 squirrels milled about them. One girl was standing really still in fear her movements would cause them to run away (If only she KNEW!) and they were both giggling at this odd show of nature. It took everything I had in me not to run screaming at them, kicking squirrels as I went. Then explain breathlessly to them that they had better be more careful around such feral creatures. Another day, I guess.

In other news: Checked my credit card balance today. Yeah, I�m really surprised the card itself hasn�t burst into flames. That whole �head gasket� business really took a shit on my balance. Where in hell is my tax return already?!?!



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