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March 08, 2003 - 2:24 pm

I hit my own personal "rock bottom" with my bathtub today.

You see, I used to be one of those people who took every other Saturday or Sunday morning to clean the house, top to bottom. Not necessarily spotless (that only happened every few months), but you know, do the floors, scrub the tub, etc.

This semester fucked that all up pretty hard core. All I can say is that my cat deserves an honorary certificate from every obedience school in the state for not shitting all over the place as a result of my horrible infrequent little box maintainance. I think it's been over a month now.

Anyhow, my tub has suffered the most. However, I called off work today so I could do all of my homework through Monday (leaving tomorrow and Monday free for Sean Connery things), and decided a bath was a good idea. Well, when I crawled into the hot tub, I realized that the yellowish buildup on the sides of my tub directly under any place where soap was commonly left had grown so thick the warm water was causing it to CHIP OFF, revealing a clean tub underneath. Not only did I have bits of soap scum gone horribly wrong floating about in my tub, but my usual practice is to lay back and rest my head in the back corner. A look at the hair, dirt, etc., that was adorning said corner convinced me that I should just take a shower instead.

I was going to clean my house (spotless) tomorrow anyhow for Monday, but I've decided to make that tub my personal crusade. It's getting CLF, brillo pads, etc. and damn it, it WILL look clean when I'm done!

On another note: I'd like to say that it's March, and somehow, it's storming outside. Not like a snowstorm, but a thunderstorm, with lightning, rain, the works. How cool is THAT?!?!



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