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March 09, 2003 - 4:12 pm

Today, I did it. I took on the tub.

Did I conquer? Well...not quite. But damnit, I made headway. Though I got rid of a lot of the yellow and caked on shit, I just replaced it with random grey stains. Fuckers.

Between that and vacuuming, I gave my right arm one helluva workout. I got these funny images in my head of Megan with one beefed up arm, and the other one a flabby mess. Teehee.

This all came around to me remembering the time when I was going to the gym, eating right, and in general good shape. I was starting to develop my arms ever so slightly, and it was great. Now they're back to their more comfortable state: The Bugs Bunny anti-muscle. (You know, where I flex and it actually droops)

But here's what's really great ready? I HAVE FREE TIME! I mean, it's about 4 or so, and I'm done cleaning my house. I've hit an acceptable milestone in my homework, and all I have left on my "to do" list is shopping for Sean Connery day, which really doesn't have to take long. I got a date with The Simpsons TONITE!



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