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August 22, 2003 - 12:08 pm

Yesterday I went through all of my CD's and picked out about 60 that I knew I could live without. It was a daunting task, as I hate getting rid of any sort of media (magazines, movies, etc.) and it usually takes me hours to decide I will not need Exhibit A 20 minutes after I toss it, and on top of that it necessitated a trip to our storage unit, which is the spookiest place within 20 feet of my apartment. Still, I got rid of about 40% of the CD's that I haven't touched in over a year.

And you know what I realized? Not only do my tastes make no sense, but some of them offend even ME!

Back in high school I used amuse myself with how every single person that looked through my music would find one thing that amazed them, and one thing that made them ashamed of me. Yesterday, I seemed to find everything on that "shame" list.


In my own defense, I had a tendency in high school to accept any gift of music bestowed upon me, even if it was crap. If I didn't like it, I just wouldn't listen to it, and I'd just file it away and never touch it. Still...who in the fuck let me keep all those Judas Priest CD's for so long?



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