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August 23, 2003 - 9:17 pm

Oh dear. It's finally happened.

The vultures ate his dead ass up.

That's right, kidds. Wesley Willis is dead. Dead as a crazybucket rockandroller can be.

Rock over London, Rock on Chicago. Burger King: I love this joint!

THAT was the magic of Wesley Willis. Well, that and naming a song "I Whupped Batman's Ass."

And to think, I almost went to see a free show on campus two years ago, and instead went to a party at Jayce's house. I'm sure we're both kicking ourselves in the ass right now.

So I'm adding to the list of parties I'm throwing simultaneously. My former "End of Semester"/"Jim Did Not Die In Vain"/"Tabitha Walters Liberation"/"Alter Echo Release"/"John Cusack Barbecue Bonanza" is now also a "Wesley Willis Rest In Peace" party.

I'm pulling out my "best of" record...everybody dance with me!



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