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August 25, 2003 - 12:34 pm

I have had to say goodbye to a recockulous number of people this summer. Recockulous. What's even more ridicurus is that I didn't even get to officially say goodbye to some of them.

So Annie, Scott, Brad, Ryan, Othermegan, Greg and many others...I hope all is well and that you enjoy your new digs, yo. *sniff*

In other news, Brad and I rocked the shuffleboard as team "Bullitt" last night. We won three games in a row (out of three, peasant!), and by quite a margin, might I add. Next time, we play for sweet, sweet cheddah.

Oh yeah, and I leave for DC tomorrow morning, so don't expect a shitpile of updates. My very first business trip! I feel so fucking grown up.



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