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May 05, 2004 - 11:56 am

It seems I get a lot of traffic from people searching for a certain cock on the other side of the border. Jeebus kids!

In other news, the weather is nice today.

I started my job in data archive yesterday. I must admit, I was a little nervous, having not been "the new girl" at any job in about four years. Anyhow, it went well and wasn't so long a day to give me any negative associations as of yet. Plus, I'll be learning things. And if there's one thing I like, it's learning.

What really has me chipper, though, is the fact that I received a call from someone in the FLEX program at Seaholm asking me about student teaching. I was really starting to worry that no one would want me, and I'd end up taking a position an hour away in some stupid district that I hated for fear of not getting in anywhere else. Hell, I'm still scared something will happen to fuck this up-it's just the way I am...I never seem to be really secure until I have it in my hand, and sometimes not even then.

As is usual, I am cheerful and it is sunshiny outside. These two things seem to go together. Yay for spring!



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