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May 06, 2004 - 6:56 pm

One thing I can say about this "spring" thing...I'm just not used to all of this time. Not to say I have nothing to do all day, but not having so much pressure on me to get this or that done, and having a choice as to what I really is incredible.

Which is why I am making this promise to myself right now. I WILL write this summer. Significant amounts. Even if no one else ever sees it, or it gets posted here every day, or I pawn it off on my friends and colleagues. I WILL note all of the really good prose running through my head lately.

Besides, I really need to get my self-efficacy back up. I haven't gotten a call from Seaholm since Tuesday, and to talk to me you'd think it's because they're too busy burning an effigy of me as opposed to, maybe, just being busy. I'm writing this so I can look back on it later and see if my prediction was right, because I am betting right now that if I can start to create for me again, it will lead to many other good things in my life.

In other news, I got a haircut. Pretend you like it, okay?



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