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May 11, 2004 - 7:58 pm

Last night the Strokes played in Detroit, and it was good. Eric came out to join me and there was much rocking.

Some highlights:

  • Everything is funnier if you add the word "man" to the beginning (when applicable).
  • I am going to start referring to my male friends as my "Manfriends."
  • When pulling into a parking lot, we were informed (based on our clear physical identification as "riffraff") that "THEY" wanted us to park in a different spot, which, coincidentally, cost $2 more. Those fuckin' guys. *punches "THEM" in the arm*
  • Any city where architects take the time to install ghouls and gnomes on the ledges of buildings to watch over (or spit on) passerby can't be all that bad.
  • My apologies to the woman at the bus stop. Please don't have me killed.
  • Pregnant women doing rock kicks make me laugh
  • "The Thrust of my insult" versus "It's SO wet right there"...I personally prefer the latter.

Along with the myriad shenanigans that occurred last night, we came to a decision regarding my haircut: Hair that keeps falling over the eyes means either a) you are emo, or b)you are an orphan in a Dickens novel. Or both. I mean, those kids would prolly make good emo kids, if given a right proper chance, guitars, and some bread, kind sir.

Personally, I prefer the orphan role. I pimped it today with these fatass jeans I have that are supposed to be the type that come up to the middle of your calf, like you're gonna go digging for clams or something, but they're really baggy and I look like a damned bum in them. So with the hair and the pants...hey, it's a hard knock life.



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