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May 13, 2004 - 6:20 pm

So, after a long day of mundane tasks, I am quite content to sit here with coffee, listen to Dylan, and write a little in this ole diarything o' mine. I checked the traffic to this site today to find that once more, the assinine shit I type here somehow draws people in search of porn. I got a hit from an msn search for "mature fucker," which I can assure you had very PG-13 connotations in my context, but not in the other 9 of the top 10 results.

And, of course, the people looking for male strip clubs. I get at least one of those a week, it seems. Fuhgettaboutit, you'll find no Manflesh here!

Random: I have my interview at Seaholm tomorrow. Wish me luck and all that.

On a completely different note, there is a bookshelf next to me filled with books that I assume were donated. I'm sure that anything that was ever good here was lifted long ago. It looks like a collected lifted straight from a yard sale that's about to close up shop for the day.

Whilst washing my hands in the bathroom I noticed a kidney bean in the sink. Hrm. Or perhaps some unfortunate rat had a very bad experience. Either way, I just thought you should know.

And that's all the news that's fit to print.



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