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September 26, 2003 - 2:11 pm

Two things of note:

First, I went to the financial aid office to beg and plead for some of my formerly-scoffed loan money. After careful thinking, I have decided that digging yet deeper into debt will be best for me in the long time, not only because it will facilitate a better GPA, but also because there is no way I will do this to myself next semester, so unless I supplement my income a little, I would have to take one less class, which would necessitate a summer semester, which I have learned through past mistakes is NOT a good financial decision in years when aid is scarce.

The long and short of that was, I could be miserable for this semester, and have to take spring classes again (estimated cost: $2000 in loans) or I could beg for $2000 in loan money back, make this and next semester much easier, and save myself the work of spring classes altogether.

Man alive!

Second, upon returning to the office I was informed by Herr Haney that the old picture of yours truly was outdated and then endowed with a more recent effort. I will entitle this one "A portrait of the author in her natural habitat." Anyhow, it's got a little color (reader opinion poll: Is the red eye-catching enough or should I throw some more into the design?), it's much happier, and it makes my innards all sorts of warm just by looking at it.

TGIF kidds!



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