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October 05, 2003 - 8:04 pm

Today I almost did it. Today I almost caught up. I'm so close...All I have to do is finish this stupid book and write my damned paper on it.

Then again, I REALLY don't want to finish all of this book. At 5pm (when I reached pg. 60) it was possible. Now it's 8pm, and I took a field trip to the office to do a few things...because I really, REALLY don't want to trip through the other 200 pages of this damned thing, THEN write a few about it. I REALLY don't. And thanks to procrastination, I have made doing so impossible.

If I'm lucky, I'll be back on track by tomorrow evening. Or not. We'll see how that "writing my Island of Doctor Moreau paper" thing goes. I'm gonna try talking to a random GSI this time, one that hopefully doesn't hate me. Of course, if he does, I give up.



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