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September 13, 2003 - 11:30 am

A few things of note to begin this Saturday afternoon...

First, Lauren had her fantabulistic bachelorette party last night. Her mom and pops footed the bill for a gorgeous limo with a handsome driver (the latter proved to be a dangerous thing, once Andeen: SUPERLUSH entered the picture), an amazing many-coursed dinner at the New Parthenon in Greektown, and entrance into Danny's, which for any of you puritans out there is a male strip club in Windsor that strikes young girls' curiosity from their adolescent years until they finally end up their either on their 19th birthday or their bachelorette party.

Many many shenanigans ensued. The aforementioned Andeen showed me what a REAL alcoholic was (no...really, my mind was blown, as was the limo driver, I'm sure), with help from Brooke, who seems to just full of cock-filled tomfoolery whenever possible. My favorite quote from the drive there: "NO! If he's gonna pull his cock out, I wanna see it! Take down this divider!"...two minutes later "Oh, it's so cute!"

And Danny' I've never seen so many men's shaved junk in one night. Some of it was, I must say, impressive...some just silly. I couldn't help but laugh most of time, cringe now and then, and when the man nicknamed "The Anaconda" finally made good on the Canadian promise of all nude (just as I was walking back to the table from the bar), I had to drop my jaw and let out a "HOLY JEEBUS!" A few drinks later I was being my witty, gonna-get-us-kicked-out-of-any-nice-restaurant, all too honest self, which led to a few interesting run ins with a dancer or two. But...that's another story for another time.

And when you ask me about that, also ask me about the guy I ran into while pissing in a parking lot in the ghetto. THAT was an experience. Sorry about your car, sir.

Anyhow, Lauren had a fantabulous time and so did I. I'm hangover free and ready to start my day.

Second, whenever I spend a Friday night away from my apartment, I am promised upon my return a healthy store of really disgusting porn downloaded and saved on my laptop. Thank YOU, Stacey Jane.

Third, I have to work today. Ew. Did I mention that today is also the day of the Michigan/Notre Dame game? Yeah, it is. And yeah, I'm headed downtown. Not the smartest thing to do, I know. I'm just gonna close my eyes and hope it's over soon.



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