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September 15, 2003 - 1:15 pm

Frustration- when you have two or three goals, each of which makes the other goals impossible to accomplish.

Here are mine: (1) get well again, (2) homework, (3) eliminate my ginormous SSDAN todo list.

If only there were more hours in the know, like 53.

It figures this would happen. I've been fucking with my sleep schedule, attempting to subsist on pepperoni pizza alone, and hot damn if I haven't been stressed. Stepping back to take a look at it all, it seems ridiculous to even THINK that I wasn't going to get sick.

And I did. Oh yes.

What's absolutely fucking wonderful about the timing is that I'm kinda falling behind in school a little and can't really do much to help it if I keep falling asleep every time I sit down to read. I could go some place where sleeping wasn't an option, and coffee was, but given my energy level (low) and stomach irritability (high), Denny's just doesn't seem to me to be the hot place to be.

Another thing of note: I am poor. My brother's wedding smack dab in the middle of the pay period took a hearty bite out of my check this week, and I have so much crap to do I really can't afford to miss monday because I'm sick, especially when I'm barely in on Tuesday or Wednesday because of school.

So yeah, I'm gonna see how comfortable I can get in front of this computer with all my crap spread out in front of me. Reminds me of some link someone sent me many moons ago of a computer desk that you could roll a cot or single bed under, which also held the monitor at a downward angle, allowing all sorts of productivity while in bed. THAT's what I need right now.



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