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August 17, 2003 - 11:50 am

Yeah, so that blackout? The suckiest suck to ever suck a suck.

Timing? Fucking fantastic! (note sarcasm) I'd like to note for the record that I had both an exam and a payroll deadline on Friday, and as of Thursday night, I couldn't afford to take either of the two offers to get the fuck outta dodge (to a place with electricity, and perhaps even a big-screen TV) because I couldn't afford to take the chance of the power coming back on at 8am and me missing both of the aforementioned events. So instead, I woke up at dawn, got ready in the dark, and went downtown just to have my guesses affirmed: Everything was cancelled.

Of course, this is a blessing, really. I get the whole weekend to study for my exam. Sure beats that "Study by candlelight" thing I was doing Thursday. But of course, that means I'm STILL not done with least not until Monday, or maybe Tuesday. Why can't it just be over?

More reasons why the blackout sucked: My non-functioning garbage disposal caused my apartment to smell like tuna fish, my car had no gas, my cell phone no battery power. I was pretty much stuck.

Of course, it all worked out within 24 hours, but it was shit while it lasted. And in the meantime, all the Detroiters that flocked to Brighton for gas and food ate all the pie at Little Chef. Cuz if there's one thing people from Detroit like, it's pie...aren't I right, Marge?



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