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August 18, 2003 - 3:53 pm

I was talking to Jim this morning and it seems the people from which he was supposed to be renting an apartment starting WEDNESDAY decided to pull a Pheasant Run on him and inform him that for "credit reasons" he would have to hurry his ass up and find a new apartment. This is odd because neither Jim nor Matt have had this problem before (even when renting much nicer apartments). This also sucks because come September, they'll no longer have a place in Canton.

Then again, who really wants a place in Canton, right?

Anyhow, the long and short of that is that Jim was in town this afternoon and since I have seen him maybe a handful of times all summer, I chiseled out some lunchtime for him. Good times, good chitchat. We agreed that this summer has been "Teh Major Suck."

So yeah...what the hell? I mean, I can't honestly say that this summer has been worse than 2000 or 2001 (the latter of which stole 20 lbs in malnourishment from my frame, the former upwards of $2000 in bad luck expenses from my wallet), but things just keep going shitty this year, and I can only hope that that means next summer will rock. If it doesn't, damnit, I'm moving to Canada.

On a lighter note, the only really good thing to come from the blackout arrived in my email inbox this morning. My professor gave us two options for finishing the class: (1) An email final, with which we could work open book, and (though he'd prefer we didn't) with others, until September 12th. That's right, math majors, that gives ambitious young kids that hop right on the decision train almost a month! but this pales in comparison to option (2), don't take the final at all, and count your other two grades for 50% each.

Considering that I've got a 92% thus far, and am more likely to lower than raise that score with a final in there, I'm sure as fuck taking door #2!

So that means I'm done with school. As of now. Done. That's beautiful. That gives me about a week to do the 230983495784 other things I've been putting off, and maybe even fitting in some time for the friends I've been blowing off for the last few months.



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