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July 23, 2003 - 1:42 pm

For the record, Brandon Bird is my favorite artist, EVER! I want to marry him and have many of his babies. Then he'll paint pictures of me and the babies on the moon, playing pool with Don Rickles in smoking jackets and fishbowl-esque space helmets, which Rickles sucks down a martini.

In other news, my brain is going to explode. It will continue to do so from now until next Friday, with a slight cessation on Saturday for Lauren's wedding, then back to explodyfun!

Oh yeah, a shoutout to my homeboy Jim, who realized that going to the Bahamas with hot girls isn't necessarily a good thing if they're brainless, soulless husks and your girlfriend rocks much more, but is in Michigan. More importantly, he learned the larger lesson, which is that whenever he commits himself to an endeavor that involves "hot girls" (not necessarily girls that happen to be hot, but girls whose only value lies in the aforementioned title), he will probably not have a good time, but at best, and "interesting" time, and perhaps a "bad" time. A piece of toast to you, my friend, you've made progress. Also, he pointed me down the formerly ignored path of The White Ninja. A round of applause for Jim, everyone!



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