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July 24, 2003 - 11:03 am

Last night Kim called me just to giggle, and we did. Oh how we giggled, for all of two minutes, then I had to go back to reading. Damn reading.

The other day my phone kept ringing (which isn't normal unless something is going on that gives people a reason to seek communication with me). I took notice because I just don't have many of those friends that just call because they want to talk. Overall, this is fine with me, it's pretty rare for me to pass up a chance to talk in person to share my thoughts with a piece of electronics the size of my...well, something small.

Anyhow, Sean called to inform me that it was, in fact, his birthday, and I'm sure that if I hadn't answered his "so what's up?" question with a long explanation of how much shit I had to do, he probably would have invited me to preplanned happenings or perhaps asked me to help him plan such happenings. One way or another, it made me sad that I had to say "Yeah, we'll have to do something, but not until after next Friday, okay?" At this time, "next Friday" was about a week and a half away.

The problem is that there is no way for me to spare more time than I already have (I set Saturday aside for Lauren's wedding, but even now think I might hop out early to hit the books) without putting my paper (and therefore my grade and all of the money and effort expended for this class) in jeopardy. I'm just worried that the whole summer will end up like this, with me knee-deep in work and school, and completely missing out on this time with my friends that will soon enough be scattered to the winds.



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