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July 28, 2003 - 11:24 am

Things of note about this weekend:


Okay, so it wasn't THAT bad, but it really wasn't that great, either. All I have to say is: Nazis stole my weekend. Fucking Nazis.

I would like to take note, however, that Lauren's wedding was a blast. A lot of people were ill at ease, this being her second before hitting the ripe old age of 21, but I just don't care. It was okay because instead of hiring a priest and a renting a hall, and doing all the normal hullabaloo, she bought a $35 white dress, sent otu $3 invitations (with the priceless note "barbecue to follow") and we just had a good time. Congrats to her and bless her for having a sense of humor about all this.

Also: Mike and I are a fucking powerhouse team, lemme tell you. Leave it to Haney to not be ashamed (in fact, he seemed quite proud) of the gift we bought her. (*insert long story about our quest for the best wedding gift ever*)

Past that...a lot of reading.

And a bit more...and then...yeah, still more.

I spent Sunday at the Vous doing yet more reading, but it was good times because from the time we left Lauren's wedding on Saturday until about that time on Sunday, the clouds were darker and heavier than Oprah Winfrey's thighs. Not only was it still warm, but there was that feeling that it was going to rain at any moment. I took a window seat and waited...hours later, it let loose a downright amazing deluge that took my breath away. I had to stop reading and just stare...I kept the window open, soaking most everything withing 3 inches, but wow.

So, yeah. That was it. From now until Friday, it's all Speer.

Later that day: Monday afternoon, it seems, has gone and whupped Monday morning's ass. How, you say? Well, by being much more interesting, of course.

I got a call today from a woman in the financial aid office asking for more stuff for my scholarship application. Of course, this could be because they didn't get it in the first place, but I'm preferring to place my hopes on the chances I may be in the final running for that sweet, sweet cheddah.

Also, my favorite person named Eric called me. That always makes for goodness.

Last but not least, my paper is going well. I went into one of the grad library study nooks where people are known to canoodle. I, however, took my books and made with the writing. It went well. At one point in time, though, I thought I heard people shuffling into one of the rooms and my brain instantly feared they were going to be one of THOSE couples, and I'd have to go somewhere else or risk being horribly distracted by the sounds of awkward, cramped quasi-ecstasy. However, that was not the case, it was just some guy with a laptop. At 6:58pm (I took note on my outline) he made a distinctive *slurp* noise, which I cannot explain, but past that, he caused no trouble.

Back to work!



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