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March 24, 2004 - 11:59 am

Remember what I said about the clock being a dirty liar? Yeah...again.

I had my first "trial by fire" chance to sub today. I arrived at class today to find that Davis was going home sick, but the sub wouldn't be there until partway into the class period. Who will save the day? Why yes, I will. I even had us doing an apostrophe jam. Jealous? You should be.

I, however, am jealous of people who have food in their homes. I am hungry and would like some. I ate a piece of bread, and I'm weighing the merit of the following argument: "If one cereal bar is a snack, then two is a meal." We have a can of chick peas, too. Hrm...

In other news: I have been in a really fantastic mood lately, and somehow it's manifested in a big ball of good things. Every challenge that's been presented to me in the last few days has been overcome (if not rocked) I'm -dare I say it- ahead on my work, on task, and even chipper. I can't explain it. A few days ago I woke up and rolled out of bed into Happy, and haven't quite been able to shed it. I'm sure that many of you out there can think of a way or two to relieve me of this, and I appreciate your concern. Just know that if you do anything to ruin my mood, I'll destroy you and everything you love.




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