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March 31, 2004 - 10:55 am

I can be a pretty stubborn person...this is true. Sometimes I just can't deal with things that make my brain cry and instead of pretening they don't exist, I form my own little protest from the confines of my bed. This morning, such a situation arose.

Remember my pure hate for morning radio personalities? Well, I awoke today to hear the 89x morning crew talking about "lies ALL women tell" blah (holy Jeebus) blah blah (kill me) blah. I don't think I would have listened long enough for my brain to really twitch if my leg hadn't been asleep, but unfortunately, this was the case. While pulling back my covers I heard the program's token chica defend her gender by saying that one of their "lies" was actually a truth and trying to explain which time they ganged up on her with "Oh, C'MON! She's lying to us now!"

I'm sure that on the moon or in Nebraska this would have been funny. At 6:30, in my bedroom, it isn't. I got up, turned off the radio, emailed my CT with a lame excuse, and went back to bed. I pulled my covers up over my head and hoped that when I woke up, my animosity would be lessened.

So happens it wasn' took a diary entry to make that possible.



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