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April 15, 2004 - 10:49 am

Jeebus I'm getting bad with this thing. I promise promise PROMISE I'll get better soon...SOON!

Overall I can say that it's been a really good two weeks. I'm sure some shitty things have happened, but I'm gonna go ahead and not report most of them. However, my heat was out in my apartment for about 5 days...that sucked. Luckily, ole Jeff Slutter had the room and the willingness to be a gracious host on the last two of those evenings, so I survived it just fine.

Neutral issues:

I need a haircut somethin' fierce.

Also, money. I just don't have a lot of it, with this whole "not really working that often" thing. Finding another summer job to supplement my earnings would be a splendid idea...but HOW? *scratches chin, looks pensive*

Now, onto good things, as they make hindsight so much more pleasant.

To self-efficacy horns? Completely growing. I walked into my observation the other day to have Davis hand me two documents, both praising my efforts in the classroom and expressing faith that I would make an excellent teacher, and both unsolicited. One was a copy of the evaluation that she would be handing in to Kelly (thought you might want a heads up, says she), while the other was a letter of recommendation just in case I wanted one. How fucking cool is that? So yeah, label me happy.

For the first time in who-knows-when, I'm not completely bogged down with work. In fact, I can count the school shit weighing on me with one (1) hand. Yes kids, it's down to one paper, two final exams, and something like an exit interview (which isn't really stressful, but is mandatory) for my methods class. This means I've been able to (dare I say it?) relax(!) on some evenings, even hang out with people without feeling guilty!

On that subject, here's a shoutout to the spectacular group of humans that comprise my ed cohort...In celebration of our final practicum meeting (and hopefully the last of Kelly in our lives!) we had a barbecue/drinkering/dance party last night, chock full of malt liquor, Red Dog, Bill Knapps celebration cake, and Mr. Show. Oh yeah, and hot dogs. Considering the relaxication and laughter that filled my evening, along with the fact that I DO NOT have a hangover this morning, I can say that last night was about as perfect as can be. Well, I'm sure that sexy men rubbing my back and feet would have made it slightly more perfect...but whatever.

Oh yeah, and the weather. Spring is finally HERE! It was so fucking pretty yesterday, and will be today and this weekend. Yay weather what roxors!

I'm sure there's more to add to my list of things what rock...but it's about time I got my ass away from this computer and on to that whole "being a productive member of society" part of my day.



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