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January 27, 2004 - 9:34 pm

I haven't had a very good day today.

Pearson said I "catastrophize" too much. She also shared with me a fancy schmancy word she uses instead of "superstition."

I asked her if she needed to know those words for her "Mumbo Jumbo" exam. She nodded.

She told me I should stop looking for "the ouch around the corner" every time something bad happens.

How can you explain to someone who's so rational that damnit, bad things just happen sometimes, and what's worse, they seem to happen all at once? When bad days happen, it's my habit to walk with one eye to the sky, watching for a piano to fall.

When I got out of class today, I had two voicemail messages waiting for me. One was from my mechanic, telling me that my car needs a $250 strut job, and the other was from my sister. It seems my grandmother has fallen and broken her leg quite badly, and needed surgery. What's more, a pre-op X-ray showed us that the mass in her chest didn't go away with her pneumonia, which unleashes a whole 'nother string of fears.

Catastrophizing, my ass.

I'm just tired. Really damned tired. And worried. And overwhelmed. And...blah. That's enough from me.



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