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January 24, 2004 - 12:17 am

If there's one thing I'm not good at, it's taking care of myself in any "complete" sorta way.

What it comes down to is my attention span-I can take care of a lot of things, but no matter what, my limit is whatever I NEED to take care of minus 1.

So, for example, I'm doing pretty well in school right now, have also been making great steps towards professional development, am on track as far as doctor stuff goes, and have even kind of gotten some good things accomplished concerning work. This is good.

On the other hand, I just got home from the office, and am eating a dinner consisting of coffee and mini Three Musketeers. Also, I have not even TRIED to fit getting enough sleep into my "to do" list. I drink incredibly too much coffee each day, and I could really use a goddamned haircut. In short, Megan maintainance has been suffering lately.

Also, I think I have to go back to work tomorrow morning. So I'm gonna go do more of that "homework" business the young kids are talking so much about.

I can't believe that this is my Friday night.




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