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December 17, 2003 - 4:45 pm

Happy birthday to me!

So it's time, the double deuce. That means it's one year past drinking legally and one year until insurance goes down. Pretty anticlimactic, if you ask me.

BUT, it's been a good day. A lot of relaxicating and warmth. I got some things done that were much easier without the pressure of "more important things" weighing down on me.

When I woke up Stacey was home and baking up a storm. It was good times. I decided that instead of working, I'd just relax all day, so I will do my Wednesday work on Saturday without really screwing anything up.

Also, I'd like to note that I hit the double deuce while sitting in a movie theater waiting for uncle Pete's final gift to me: Return of the King. Worth every minute of it's 3 1/2 hours. Or maybe it was worth a few minutes less than that...either way, I was pretty happy. Oh yeah, as that girl from last year showed up, the one with the frickin' intertube ring costume. Had I only thought to drink before the show, she would have gone DOWN!

So now I'm gonna go and sit with a book and wait for people to get here so I can go and eat good food and drink good martinis and enjoy a day for me and those whom I love so very much.

How I love birthdays...



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