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December 20, 2003 - 10:50 am

So if you're one of those people who's been trying to get a hold of me on my cell phone and failing miserably, that's because I'm relaxicating out at my sister's house, which is about 235243816 miles from the nearest Verizon tower, it seems. Sometimes I check my voicemail from her phone, but that's about it.

It's kind of nice out here. I mean, the kids are fantastic, the animals like me well enough, and I even find time to read in all the hullabaloo. I do, however, have to chitchat with my brohter in law over Fox News in the evening, becuase he's a big republican type, and well...yeah. In previous years, this meant him trying to explain to me why I should be a republican, too...but in days of late he's come to realize that I can read and just might be capable of forming my own opinions. I schooled him on No Child Left Behind last night. Didn't win a vote against Bush or anything, but at least I won that little bit of recognition as someone with a legitimate opinion. Yay me!

And my sister...what a wonderful woman! RIght now I'm using up all of her color ink to print my Christmas cards, because "there's no reason in goign to Kinko's and spening an arm and a leg when I have a perfectly fine fancy schmancy pritner/copies/toe nail clipper right here" it goes. The quality is about 90% of the Kinko's potential...but the price is 100% better.

The only problem is that my sister, in her efforts to make this a relaxing visit, insists on running all of the errands herself. As a result, I haven't left the house since I got here. Makes me feel kind of oogie, and I'm tempted to invent a need for soemthing just to drive a mile or two down the road. Perhaps I will.

And with that I'm off. It's nice to be taken care of, and I'm gonna go take part in all that. Playing cards and baking and drinking coffee and all that is good news, plus we're doing our Christmas 1 of 2 today with my aunt, grandma, etc. Also, I'm determined to win the love of the dog away from that little stuffed monkey she adores so much. I've already made the monkey mad with jealousy, and today I will sink my claws in further. The puppy will be MINE! *cackle*

Oh, I'm sorry. That was too much, wasn't it? It always is.



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