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July 20, 2003 - 10:37 am

Last night I hung out with me, myself, and I and played my share of video games.

It seems my ghost-destroying skills have fallen below par, while the terror Fatal Frame sends through me when I play in the dark has only increased. Damn that mansion and all of its spooky ghosts!

Speaking of, I've heard rumors of a Fatal Frame II? Anybody have info on that?

I'd like to mention that since I had only myself to keep company last night, and nothing good was on TV at midnight, I went to bed early and got up at 9am to watch cartoons. It was the most complete night/morning I've had in a while.

Anyhow, Art Fair has left my city (thank Jeebus), so I'm gonna head downtown to do that studying business I'm so hot on.



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