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July 18, 2003 - 12:31 pm

It�s no surprise that I hate Art Fair. It�s just a fact of life, and most people know it. So listen up, Art Fair, I don�t wanna get any nasty emails about how I didn�t confront you about this, you should know by now. It�s common knowledge. Hell, I had a blog about it last year. In fact, the decision that said blog should end with Art Fair, coupled with the realization that I had more to write is what brought me to diaryland.

Yesterday I took the day off work to take care of some school business I was very much needing. I had an exam this morning, and I honestly don�t see how I could have passed without all of the reading and studying I did yesterday. Yay me.

Also accomplished yesterday: Went to see Karen�s dance class perform near the MLB. Afterward, I went walking with her and a friend of hers that looks like Kirsten Dunst, but even more adorable. We walked through the non-profit zone of Art Fair, stopping to talk to the �End Circumcision Now� people (ha HA!) and LGTB-types (Karen thought one of the girls was cute). I personally collected quite a mass of sweat on my body, and yes, it was gross. Later that evening I Karen came over and I attempted to make some of Cameron�s birthday present, but realized I was lacking certain materials, and could not. My only hope is that I can get home early enough today to accomplish this goal, but it�s looking sketchy.

My haircut? Very �white.� Yesterday we labeled it �Pre-WASP.� It makes me kinda embarrassed.

One thing I DO like about Art Fair is the crowds. �But you hate crowds� you might be thinking to yourself, and it�s true, but what I love is that I can get as angry as I want and pull out my full arsenal of nasty comments, and there�s really no consequence. I can duck through the crowds on my way to work yelling at people �Get out of my city!� and NOBODY SAYS A THING (that I can hear). It�s really very beautiful. Now if only funnel cakes weren�t $5 a pop



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