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September 04, 2003 - 10:53 pm

So I got my pictures back. It was interesting to see what we had decided was picture-worthy. And then I also realized that as much as I'd like to post enough of them, I'm a cheapass and don't have the UBERGOLD account that is necessary to upload that many damned pictures.

So I'm gonna start a photo album with Yahoo. Yay Yahoo. Give me a few days, and you'll be able to see all the neato pictures from my various trips, including the ones that weren't worth a story.

I think the url's gonna be, but we'll see.

Anyhow, the fact that they're not up yet kinda steals my thunder as far as my storytelling goes, so here's a quick recap of what really stuck in my brain...

  • Pork advertisements-EVERYWHERE!
  • The entire state of Pennsylvania is under construction
  • The guy in Dupont Circle that halted his vomiting to chase us in his wheelchair, yelling "Beautiful laydies!"
  • Got DAMN I love the Metro
  • Rockin' roadsigns
  • My boss is a fucking nutjob, but I got him to throw away some shit (Hello, BREAKTHROUGH!)
  • I don't care about national monuments when it's 100 degrees and humid
  • I wish I could live in the Smithsonian museums.
  • And debauchery 101: How to rack up a heroic bar tab without paying a cent

That's most of it. As for the rest, if you have to ask, you'll never know.

So tomorrow morning I leave again, this time for my brother's wedding. My head is about to fall off, I have too much shit to do all at once, and if I don't go crazy trying to sort all of it out, we'll call it a day well spent. Nonetheless, I'm placing my bets on getting shit sorted within the next two weeks. The current wager is my sanity. I forgot to buy a camera for this trip, but if I remember tomorrow I'll throw those up, too, when I get back.

Have fun and don't break anything!



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