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September 02, 2003 - 3:35 pm

So I went to the camera store to get my DC pictures developed so I could write a kickass entry about how much fun I had and not really tell you the whole story anyway...cuz I'm an asshole like that.

There are so many odd stories I'd like to tell, but they need illustration, and I didn't want to drop my cameras anywhere and have them sit over labor day, so I took them to this place downtown and waited in line for 20 minutes to talk to the 1 hour photo guy...then I gave up.

I went back a few hours later in hopes that if I dropped my cameras off at 1:30, they might be done by 4 because of magic that is 1 hour photo developing. No dice, yo. The creepy, ill-groomed, gruff motherfucker at the counter informed me quite matter-of-factly that I had a choice between "6:30 and sometime tomorrow." I get out of class at 7 tonight, so I asked if I could pick them up before my 11:30am class tomorrown. With a booger in his beard and clear annoyance on his face, Old Man Register claimed that "[he] could try," as if it would somehow be more difficult to develop my pictures by 11am on Wednesday than it would be to finish them by 6:30 on Tuesday.

I shrugged and left. He smelled kinda funny and I didn't really wanna get him angry, in fear something from his beard might fly off and hit me if he started breathing heavily.

So, yeah...another day or two on that DC update. Hold your breath, okay?



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