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February 19, 2004 - 2:35 pm

It seems I just suck at posting lately...then again, I had an obscene number of papers due this week, so eat me.

No, really...obscene. Young'uns hid their eyes when I described my horrible workload. I hear that in areas of the North, such tales are used to scare little children into behaving.

And yet I disappoint again...Nothing to say because I'm not thinking of much lately but school and packing for California. Yeah, I still need to do that whole "preparing" thing (laundry, housecleaning, packing, etc.), which I know I won't get to until Friday night, and maybe LATE Friday night at that.

I guess that's something to write about. I get to go on business trip #2: Santa Monica/Burbank. Ole Bill Frey wants some help at the Milken Institute, and so happens I'd planned on visiting Mr. Haney, so business + pleasure = I get reimbursed for my plane fare. Yay me.

Also, my boss is a fucking laugh a minute, so even when I do have to work, it shouldn't be that bad. Stacey and I are going to spend the rest of business day (For some reason, it seems Mike's employers don't consider "A visit from the Babes" a reasonable excuse for missing a week of work) exploring Hollywood and such, cameras hanging from our necks and hawaiian shirts on our backs in true tourist style. We were going to get tickets to see Hollywood Squares, but after Whoopie Goldberg's failed attempt at sitcom fame, I'd rather steer clear.

That said, I've got my last midterm to write. Don't miss me TOO much.



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