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October 10, 2003 - 10:23 am

Once again...

TGIF, fuckers!

This weekend, I'm going to do something I haven't done for a while. I'm going to "Go see a movie with some friends", I know this may be a foreign concept lately, but I think I can handle it. Has the protocol changed? Do we now sit in spaceships and watch the movies being projected on the moon? Geez, I hope not. My shoes are very much not moon-ready as of now.

I'm not sure how it happened, but I somehow caught up on my schoolwork, and with the proper fun/work balance, I might even be right on track for my Madison trip next weekend.

Random: I think there's something comical to free health services that can't offer you an appointment until so far in the future that chances are you will have gotten a mecical degree and learned to heal yourself.

Also, pumpkin spice cappuccino is nummies.

In other news, I think I'm getting sick again. I grabbed some overpriced DayQuil tablets and underpriced OJ at the gas station on my way in...we'll see how well they work.



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