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October 12, 2003 - 4:38 pm

Reasons today was a pretty good day:

-ate Taco Bell and liked it

-bought clothes, and liked it

-ran into Peden, and liked it

-finished that damned Kafka story, and liked it

Seeing a theme here?

Also, I realized that I'm really jealous of girls that can look cute when they hop out of bed in the morning. When I wake up, I kinda look like someone just kicked the shit outta me (minus bruises and cuts, but with all the right swelling). Also, crazy hair. Can't forget the crazy hair. It defies description.

In other news: I realized today that the new influx of "teacher clothes" in my closet means I need to throw out some old items. The particular items I have in mind are very special pieces from my "old man clothes" days. Sad sad sad.

Anyhow, Eric's on his way over for the Michael Moore show and I'm super geeked and I'm gonna drink coffee now so goodbye.



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