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June 08, 2004 - 4:12 pm

I wrote a big fat cool entry yesterday but, of course, it was erased by the st00pid computer. Figures.

I blame the hormones running through my body to mark the end/beginning of another depo cycle�it seems that every event in my day falls into one of two categories: great and shitty. No matter what happens, I can only seem to smile and giggle, or roll my eyes and mutter "Jeebus pinned to a cheetoh, throw me a fucking bone!" and get all pissy.

The Good?

  • Ran into Tyler today in the diag. He�s doing well since deboarding the good ship SSDAN and still plans to have a buffalo ranch in Montana, but will have his mom watch over it while he walks from northern Greece to Italy. I told him he should learn Kung Fu before embarking on such a journey-and carry a gun.
  • Sold my Pez collection on eBay for $50. Anyone else want to help me get rid of my memories?
  • Finished my time at the middle school yesterday, so I�ll now have about 6 hours of my week back to spend at work or on homework. It also means I can start running in the mornings once more, and sleep in on other days.
  • Found a way to increase my SSDAN productivity. This means more money and less guilt.

The Bad?

  • Finished my time at the middle school. I�m gonna miss those kids.
  • A number of 20-min phone calls somehow took over my month and my cell bill is unexpectedly crying "OVERUSE" and tearing the money from my pockets mercilessly.
  • My professor decided to lecture on Wordsworth yesterday, effectively throwing me into a deep depression. He used Lamartine�s "Le Lac" to make me miss people dearly. Stoopid Romantic poets. Is nothing permanent?
  • I�m so very very poor.

The Ugly?

It�s ninety degrees outside, and it feels like it�s ninety-five.

In other news: Project "be more social" is succeeding/failing. Shhhh...ask no questions. Now is not the time for details.



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