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June 06, 2004 - 12:55 pm

The random sunshiney day can do wonders for my mood. It's true. I now submit to the court Exhibit A: Yesterday.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, there was a nice breeze and I didn't feel like making my own coffee, so I set off for the Vous for some nice warm sunshine and workering. All was well, Mr. Deakins joined me and there was random ballyhoo. We rated parallel parking skills from the 2nd floor patio and all was pretty good until it became...*dun dun DUNNNN*


One of the cars to attempt parallel parking outside was an H2 (see: Obnoxious and ugly vehicle and wastes expensive petroleum resources and kills kittens) that was all black with tinted windows and said "tactical training" or some shit on the back, with "V.I.P.E.R.S." on the bumper, and a url across the back window. Needless to say, we checked it out and even called the number. It's fo real, yo! Please, for the love of pancakes and all that is holy, explore the glory that isn't Eclectikan (preferably with your speakers ON).

In other news, I ran into an old friend of mine in the diag, who now has two kids and is married to a self-titled "overweight truck driver" type. Hell, at least she's married. She wanted to chitter chatter about how many other girls from our town are knocked up, and damn-there are a lot of them. Needless to say, I ran away from that little bit of Fowlervillia as fast as I could.

Also, is it really THAT bad that I am in no way sad that ol' Reagan finally kicked it? If so, then I guess I'll see him in Hell.

So that's all the news that's fit to print. Today I will continue with my workering and such, enjoying caffeination and the like in as comfortable an atmosphere as will provide an empty seat. Hey, if you're so jealous why don't you do the same?



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