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June 03, 2004 - 3:05 pm

I kept thinking that I should update, since my last entry was so lame and whiny, but kept forgetting. Now that I'm remembering, I'm feeling lame and whiny again. Clearly, I suck at life.

I got my MTTC stuff today. I'll be taking tests from 7:30am on on July 10th, the day of Jayce and Adria's wedding. Of course, I'm not supposed to check in for my second test until 1pm (in Ypsi, mind you), and the ceremony starts at 4.


In other news, I think I'm entering a cycle of crappy moods and general malaise. In case of such an occurrance, I have made plans to spend the entire weekend in my room with my covers pulled over my head. I will be checking my voicemail periodically to make sure that all is well outside of my walls.

In the meantime, I'm declaring tomorrow No Pants Day (Observed) to see if that helps any. DO join in the fun.



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