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May 22, 2004 - 1:32 pm

I've been reading old entries lately, just because. Wow are there a lot of typos, but past that, it's really entertaining. Also-none of my links work anymore, but I'm too lazy to go and take them out. Besides, it just don't seem right.

Later that day: I received an odd email the other day telling me that I had another financial aid disbursement coming. This is strange because damnit, that all should have been done with in early May, so I don't know where this money is coming from. On top of that, though my most recent statement says I owe nothing, I checked my online balance and I now owe something near $1K. What's sick is that I went back and did math, and it works I'm thinking that a mistake was made, but not in charging me that money, but in refunding me since fall what I would end up owing in the end. So I have used that money to pay bills and such, and thought it was enough, when in truth I needed to put it away for now.

Well, again with that whole "non-contingent reasoning" mumbo jumbo. Last week it was my stereo and my car, now this...tell me it doesn't come in threes. That's a grand total of over $1500 that I didn't have to worry about 10 days ago. Yeah, that's what I make in a month. A GOOD month.

I really wish I didn't have that paper to write. I just want to go to sleep.



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