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May 22, 2004 - 5:36 pm

Sometimes when I find a really comfy chair to sit in whilst I read or write a paper or what have you, I get too comfortable and almost fall asleep. Sometimes, I DO fall asleep. Usually it's just for a minute or two, but I'm sure that one day it will be the wrong minute or two that the manager, thinking me homeless, will kindly inform me that this is not a boarding house and could I please get my scruffy riffraff ass out of his establishment, yadda yadda yadda.

But this dude across the room just nodded off for about an hour, so I now feel totally justified in my small lapses in consciousness.

I wonder if I could ever STOP people-watching. Would I take up some other pasttime, like knitting, metal detecting, or perhaps lacrosse? There's just something so interesting about people that I can't help but marvel (and, on occasion, mock) from time to time. Individuals are so interesting when you have only small clues as to who they really are.

In other news: I'm wearing nail polish. Strange. I haven't bothered to do anything with my nails for about...two years? Anyone who has ever examined my fat little hands knows that I'm not exactly in possession of any manicurist's dream nails, and I'm just too clumsy and stoopid to be careful with painted nails, so they end up chipped and dumb after about an hour.

Of course, this hasn't changed, but Thursday night, while drinkering and such to celebrate Haney's visit I threw my hand down and slurred "You're an artist, Mike, paint my nails. C'mon, you can do it. PAINT!" and threw some hideous teenylicious polish at him.

Note to those at home: I don't care if they can paint the fucking Mona Lisa when sober, NOBODY can skillfully paint fingernails when drunk. Not even the mighty Haney. You should see how Stacey's pinky turned out.

Anyhow, I've keep it on. I've done so partly as a reminder to how much fucking fun Thursday was, and how great it was to have Mike back in town, and partly because I think it's just horribly funny looking and I feel ten years old again. Seriously, I think this shit was made by the same people that put out Tinkerbell products. (Ladies, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout!)

And one last thing: They're making a Series of Unfortunate Events movie! Is anyone else as excited about this as I am?





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