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November 18, 2003 - 2:02 pm

Things are coming together. Really coming together. Holidays are close, I'm beginning the real stages of my final projects, and I register for classes in 2 days.

This is good.

What is not good, however, is the fact that I just cannot get everything done that is due this week. This means I'm considering not doing a paper or because their losses are tolerable. The first of the two doesn't bother me that much, but it's easy enough that it seems I should be able to do it no matter what, and it's not like I won't have to read the book for the final the jury's still out on that one.

But the real kicker was my realization that not only could I pass Rabkin's class with a pretty decent grade without even attempting the final paper, but also that the first steps of the final (not writing it, but merely figuring out WHAT to write) would take too much time. This bothers me because it seems like the quitter's way, and if there's one thing I'm not, it's someone who admits to being a quitter.

Oh, and this morning I forgot not one or two, but four different things before 10am rolled around. Where is my mind?

That said, I must take advantage of this extra hour o' mine to get real work done.



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