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November 16, 2003 - 1:23 am

In the last two days I have spent incredibly too many hours transcribing tapes of the interviews I did last week. Too many. I had about 2 1/2 hours of shit to go through, so I figured that with my mad typing skills it wouldn't really take that long.

Oh how wrong I was. After 20+ pages of single-spaced text, I had to quit yesterday because the tendon in my hands were reminding oh so subtly of the very real threat that IS carpal tunnel syndrome.

I did the last two today in record time (less than two hours). With all fo that done, I'd like to note two things: (1) Some people can fucking talk and talk and talk, and (2) It seems that no one on this goddamned planet can finish a throught once they start it.

Anyhow, I'd like to say it's over, but I'm doing another one Tuesday, which means more transcription joy!

Eek! is all I have to say about that.

And now on to the laundry list of things I was supposed to start yesterday evening...



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