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November 15, 2003 - 12:44 am

If I were in a Greek myth, I would be Procrast the Weak. I SHOULD be transcribing tapes right now, and reading Sonia Nieto's thoughts on multicultural education.

You wanna know what I'm really doing? Drinking hot tea and writing a diary entry. Yeah, I know. That's hot.

My feet are cold, and mixed with the whole "drinking hot tea" thing (not something I do often anymore) it makes me think of how much I enjoy sitting in Espresso Royale and doing homework while it's oh so cold outside. As it is oh so cold outside right now, maybe I'll go up there later today...

In other news: Wally Pleasant puts on a fantastic show and everyone should go see him wherever he may play-or buy his records. Either way, support the bastard. He put on a "laser light show" with a small lamp and a clapper, and played Bingo with us. He deserves your dime.

And with that, I'm going to make another valiant effort to get to work. We'll see how that goes.



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